The report cited a 2017 survey finding that 54 percent of respondents saw an improvement in driver behavior after installing GPS or similar equipment in their fleet, while 49 percent saw increased fuel savings. Another 2017 study by a marketing and consulting research firm for GPS and wireless product industries found that in a survey of 500 participating fleets, 80 percent were satisfied with their systems while only 6 percent were not satisfied.
Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services.
Why do the police care if occasionally a violation results in evidence suppression? They don’t get punished and their superiors don’t care unless it happens in a high profile case.
Transit agency leaders have been among the first to experience the problems inherent to the mobility status quo. To understand their challenge, consider the following scenario: Mary lives in an urban neighborhood. With no good public transport route to her work downtown, she has been driving her car those few miles each day. But Mary dislikes the congestion and hunt for a parking spot, so when scooter-share comes to her neighborhood she decides to scoot to and from her job. Mary’s decision takes one car off the road during peak times and marginally reduces congestion, a stated goal of her regional public transit agency.
"Now," she said, "when there’s news, it’s usually when someone thinks they’ve found her remains. The dynamic is entirely different."
Tulaczyk and his colleagues published a paper on that data in 2005, and their National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded GPS array was an opportunity to get fresh observations.
However, Vansice remains a “person of interest” in the case, Lt. Frank Stearns told the Globe Gazette in 2010.
“The officer followed,” he added. The Jeep “traveled at a high rate of speed through the Dayton Mall parking lot” before circling to a different exit.
“Last year, 95 per cent of our visitors saw at least one jaguar after staying here for three to four days. This year, it’s been pretty much 100 per cent.
“Each of these elite technicians is presented with an industry-specific award recognizing their achievement,” Timothy Zilke, ASE president and CEO, said in a statement.
“They’re just going around the neighborhood, making an afternoon of this,” Rober said, explaining that police told him trying to catch them would be a waste of time. “I just felt like something needs to be done to take a stand against dishonest punks like this.”
“The older I get, the more concerned with our own team I am. The scouting part of it is a big deal, but I’ve always thought our staff does a great job of preparing. And our players do a great job of learning. There will be some miniscule point that has been made and I think they have no chance of remembering that. And then we’ll see it in a game and — bang — they get it. They’re amazingly smart people.”
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